Draft help notes here for Smart / JDN link

SMART is a dispatch system used in the Australian alarm response industry since about 1997. It has been principally designed and maintained by Rhys Daniell.

SMART is marketed by Sendem.com

SMART and JDN are linked by the Smart JDN service (smjdn.exe), a Windows application.


To install the link, download and install smjdn.exe (link here??) in its own directory.

Installing the SmJDN server


Items in the Settings tab are self explaining (help note at right).

User Settings

The Users tab of SmJDN.exe shows a list of JDN users. Pause the mouse over each column to see an explanatory tooltip. Please note that currently support for some of these settings may be incomplete.

Important ensure that any remote system you are sending jobs or updates to has the 'Send' column ticked.